I did a Google search on “workplace culture” and this is what I found…

“Culture is the character and personality of your organization. It’s what makes your organization unique and is the sum of its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and attitudes.” (HR Insights Blog, www.yourerc.com)

The article further explains that workplace culture is as important, if not more important, than business strategy.  The culture of you company or organization is what attracts talent, drives engagement, impacts employee happiness and satisfaction and affects performance.

There is much change happening in our world.  With the MeToo movement, we are seeing women speak up for equality, fairness and justice.  I believe that it’s important to communicate that women are not on opposite sides of men, rather, they want to work together, in a balanced and dignified manner.  If we can work on equal ground, both men and women can support and encourage one another to accomplish great things.

Beyond human rights, the culture of a workplace is about the foundational values, philosophy and beliefs of each person and collectively as a team.

Many businesses and organizations let a culture evolve without defining it.  From the manner in which we communicate, leadership style, management structure, policies, practices and the mission and vision, so much about organizational strength and success, is driven by workplace culture.

Too often, we get busy with day to day work, and we neglect the culture of our workplace.  That is when things can easily fall apart.

My workshops will provide you with a chance to strengthen your workplace culture so that every member of the team contributes to the environment and is working collectively to achieve common goals. Contact me to discuss what you are looking for and together we will create a solution that will take your business or organization to the next level.

~ Lisa