Hey Women!

2019-03-08T10:28:23-05:00March 8th, 2019|

Hey Woman.  It’s your day to celebrate! Why do we celebrate women on International Women’s Day?  Here is my take… Willful.  We are strong-minded and not easily controlled. If we do allow ourselves to be controlled, look out!  We will realize it sooner or later and utilize our tenacity and [...]

Giving Up Control to Find a Better Solution: How Human Centred Design Can Help

2019-03-01T11:27:54-05:00March 1st, 2019|

Can you give up control?  I mean really, give it up? Is it possible to truly let go of your power and influence and create ideas and solutions that result in what people really want? If we ask business owners, organizational leaders and parents this question, how would they respond?  [...]

How Emotional Intelligence Can Better Your Everyday Life If You Leave Room For It!

2019-02-22T09:03:55-05:00February 22nd, 2019|

I walked into the coffee house rather briskly.  I quickly glanced around and appreciated the Zen-chic décor and checked to see if they had my favourite muffins, double chocolate-healthy.  They did!  And thank goodness, because I had a craving that would only be satisfied by those particular muffins. As soon [...]

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