Me:  I purchased this item just 2 months ago and now it won’t work.  I have tried charging it using various outlets in the house and I have tried the charger from my previous model.  It won’t work.

Manager:  We have nothing to do with the company.  Once we have the product, that’s it.  We don’t provide customer service on the product.

Me:  Okay, however I bought this item only 2 months ago and it is something that should last at least 2 years.

Manager:  Yes, but it’s not our product.  Even though we sell it, it’s not our product.

Me:  What can be done because its relatively new?

Manager:  Well, all you can do is call the company directly and see what they can do for you.

Do you think the manager handled the situation well?  Was she customer service oriented?

While I understood the manager’s position, following policy and letting me know that the only way to resolve my issue was to directly contact the manufacturer, I left the store feeling troubled.  I was disappointed about the way she had communicated to me.

Instead of presenting with a caring attitude and expressing an apology that my product was no longer working after 2 short months, her first response was that “we have nothing to do with the company, it’s not our product.”

As I felt myself getting frustrated, I kept calm and continued to negotiate for a resolution.  The manager was not very responsive and had displayed a nonchalant and an, “I don’t care” attitude.  Although I had a solution, I left the store feeling displeased.

“Is this what has become of customer service?”  I wondered.

Perhaps I paid such close attention to the manner in which the manager communicated to me because of the work I do.  Responding in a positive and helpful manner to people is what I teach and an area in which I coach.

Business and organizations provide a product or a service to people. The customers, or the people they serve, are the very reason for their existence.  Paying customers help business to thrive.  Government and foundations fund organizations to serve and support.  Why wouldn’t you want to do everything in your power to ensure satisfaction for the people you serve?

Indeed there are policies and often legislation to follow however communicating in a positive kind and considerate manner isn’t breaking any rules.  It should be the norm.

Workability and soft skills such as good communication, positive attitude, ability to problem solve and a genuine desire to be helpful can make a difference between an unhappy customer and a satisfied one.

When it comes to organizations that provide support or education, I often hear families say that it was the attitude of the staff, poor communication or the unwillingness to respond or take action according to what the person or family was asking for, that had caused disappointment.

It is one thing to have all of the policies in place and the technical skills to do a job, but how you relate to your customers is crucial for success and satisfaction.

How do you respond to your customers or the people you serve? 

Is ensuring their satisfaction an important aspect of your business or organization?

Do you want customers or the people you serve to feel respected and valued?

Do you actively engage people to genuinely find out what they want?

Do you have an employee who has excellent technical skills however their people skills could improve?

Does your team support one another during difficult times?

Do you want to strengthen your organization to be more customer focused and people driven?

I can help.

Contact me to discuss what you are looking for and together we will create a solution that will take your business or organization to the next level.

~ Lisa