Remember as children, how our parents would tirelessly remind us to say “please” and “thank you”?  It’s polite and also, the right thing to do.

I can still hear my mother’s voice saying, “It’s important to let people know that you are grateful for what they have done for you or what they have given to you”.  I have offered the same advice to my children.

People want to feel valued and appreciated.   Whether it is at home, at work or with a circle of friends, a simple, “thank you” can go a long way.

Think of how you feel when you express gratitude – kind, caring, content, gratified and happy.  Now think about how you feel when someone says thanks – respected, recognized, understood, and well regarded.

Sometimes, through the hectic nature of our day, we forget to express our thanks to those around us.  Family members may take each other for granted, and co-workers may too busy to take the time to say “thanks”.  Supervisors and team leaders can get so wrapped up in encouraging staff to get more sales, dig a little deeper, and work toward the next level, that they may forget to pause and say thank you.

 Yet going back to the positive feelings that surround an expression of thanks, we understand how important it is to say.  According to an article in Forbes magazine, “gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools that we all have access to every day.  It doesn’t cost any money and it doesn’t take much time and the benefits are enormous.”1

The article further states that the benefits of saying “thank you” include strengthening relationships, improving mental and physical health, enhances empathy, improves sleep, improves self esteem and increases mental strength.

Creating a culture of appreciation and respect can increase workability, productivity and motivation.  A corporate coach or professional development training is a neutral and unbiased professional that can assist with establishing a positive environment within your organization or business.  People tend to pay attention to an “outsider” more than they do their colleagues.

That’s one of the reasons that I started my business in coaching and training; the word of an expert held more worth and meaning than that of an insider.

The ability to say “thanks” can depend upon the environment of the workplace.  Communication approaches, sensitivity to others, trustworthiness, cultural competence, emotional intelligence and work-life balance, can all contribute to how readily team members and colleagues can express appreciation for one another.

I am your trusted advisor and coach for creating a culture in which gratitude is the norm.  Increased empathy and overall motivation can only benefit satisfaction and increased commitment.

I am happy to work with you to create the culture you are seeking for your business or organization.

A little “thank you” will create big results!

~ Lisa


1 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Gratitude That Will Motivate You To Give Thanks Year-Round, Forbes, November 23, 2014